Wednesday, June 20, 2007
The Lugger Inn at Chickerell

We lunched with other members of the Robb family (see cousins Alan and Ian in my blogpost 'The Cross Keys Locals' of Nov. 1 2006) at the Lugger Inn which is on the outskirts of Weymouth. Here you can taste an excellent pint of Palmers of Bridport, a brew of high quality which seems to be difficult to find anywhere East of Dorchester! This is a pity because Palmers is a true Dorset ale and ought to be more easily available. So take a trip one Sunday to the Lugger and try an excellent roast beef lunch. We thought the beef was first class, cooked to perfection, with second helpings encouraged. Ian and June actually tried the mackerel, fresh from the sea.................a reminder from June's yachting days of yesteryear. A couple of photos herewith for my friends from Carolina. I promise to try to keep this log updated!